Driving License renewal process for insulin users
28 Mar 2023 @ 10:29
Following several enquiries, we have confirmed the driving license renewal process for those with diabetes. Please note, this is the process for individuals with diabetes using insulin.
If you are on insulin treatment, your driving licence will be subject to regular fitness-to-drive assessments. Depending on factors that affect your ability to drive safely, fitness-to-drive assessments may be required annually or every 3 years.
Two months ahead of your driving license expiry date, you can begin the renewal process, explained below.
Apply to the Licensing Office as normal for a driving license renewal, along with a Supplementary Medical Information form (form here.)
Once your application is received at the Licensing Office, they then write to Sirius Medicine to request a fitness-to-drive assessment.
Sirius Medicine then writes to you, the driver, informing you of the process and asking you to submit the following additional information;
1. ‘Driving with Diabetes’ assessment form
You can pick this up from the Diabetes Centre, or phone 07624 418914 or email siriusmedicine@protonmail.com for a copy.
Once the Driving with Diabetes form is completed, you can drop it off at the Diabetes Centre; or email it to siriusmedicine@protonmail.com; or post it to Sirius Medicine, Thie Nefeli, 21 Falcon Street, Douglas IM2 3EZ.
2. Two-week record of your blood glucose readings
Submit a complete record of your blood glucose readings over a recent two-week period in any of the following ways:
- Drop into the Diabetes Centre for a download of your glucose meter (lunchtimes only)
- Scan and email your readings to siriusmedicine@protonmail.com
- Connect with Sirius Medicine through LibreView® (Practice ID: SiriusDiabetes) or Dexcom Clarity®.
- Post your readings to Sirius Medicine, Thie Nefeli, 21 Falcon Street, Douglas IM2 3EZ
If you are unable to scan or email your blood glucose reading record, please contact the secretary between the hours of 5-7pm Monday to Friday on 418914 to arrange a suitable time to attend the Diabetes Centre.
Upon receipt and review of all the required evidence, Sirius Medicine issues a Fitness to Drive report which will be sent to the Licensing Office within 72 hours of receiving all of the above documents.
Submission of incomplete documentation will delay or prevent processing of your application.
Please note; the process involving Sirius Medicine applies to those in adult care only. Individuals still under paediatric care or in transition clinics will have their license approved by the paediatric consultant and data reviewed in their service. Please contact the paediatric team for more information.
We hope this helps!